The academic journey began 11 years ago, in Athens The Academy provides specialized knowledge to professionals in an academic environment from hands on construction experience, BIM and IT skills This results in attaining quality and competent BIM resources who can take this technology to a true and effective level of implementation The BIM Academy has assembled top quality BIM instructors through a rigorous selection procedure

Zigurat stratigic Aidigits partner

BIM Academy Education, “Modes of Cooperation with Clients”

  • 2 D Environment and Construction Methodology
  • Engineering and Quantity Surveying Standards
  • 3 D Environment and Introduction to BIM Methodology
  • Developing Comprehensive BIM (Architectural, Structural and MEP)
  • Standard Coding Conventions, Interoperability and BIM QA/QC Procedures
  • Enriching BIM Data and Reporting to Meet Construction and Post Construction
  • Requirements
  • Design Coordination, Clash Detection and the RFI Process
  • Drawings and Schedules Extraction from the Building Information Model
  • Planning / Schedule Simulation ( 4 D Workflows)
  • Rendering and Visualization
  • Visual Project Controls AIDIGITS In House Construction Methods
  • Project Data Repository, Maintenance and Integration with FM, AM and O&M